August 15, 2022

Though I definitely like to have professional editors look at my novels, I always run through a general self-editing list, so that I do not waste a good editing opportunity…

July 2, 2022

Several of us are speaking at today’s funeral, but here are my words I was born an island. Some of my earliest memories and most of my mom’s stories about…

June 15, 2022

Writing Young Adult (YA) novels is about more than just writing a protagonist who’s in their teens—though that is one of the criteria. Things to keep in mind The young…

May 15, 2022

Here is my non-official guide to query letter writing! Believe it or not, they are pretty formulaic! Paragraph One: Start with a “when” sentence that describes your characters age, name,…

March 31, 2022

Omg, omg. I did it! I got a book deal! I will be traditionally published! My First Book Deal I’m very excited to share the news that I’ve been offered…