May 15, 2024

Friends! I need some help! When Oceans Rise has been republished with new ISBNs which means that the book is not being distributed in most places because those bookstores and…

February 15, 2023

REFERENCE GUIDE Agimats- An amulet or charm, also known as an Anting. In Filipino occult, each agimat may serve a different purpose such as for protecting, warding of evil, attracting…

January 15, 2023

When Oceans Rise is talked about as a dark fantasy, and it’s comped to the grimmer Hans Christian Anderson version of The Little Mermaid for a reason. This story depicts…

July 2, 2022

Several of us are speaking at today’s funeral, but here are my words I was born an island. Some of my earliest memories and most of my mom’s stories about…